Saturday, July 28, 2007

Navy destroys two LTTE boats and kills 6 sea tigers - Wedithalathive

Two LTTE boats have been destroyed and six sea tigers were killed by the Naval patrol craft in 10Nm west of Wedithalathive at 4:30 p.m. today, July 28.

According to the available information these two LTTE boats were disguised among the cluster of Indian fishing boats and have moved away from the cluster and headed towards west of Wedithalathive as the naval patrol craft reaching towards the cluster of fishing boats.

LTTE cadres onboard have fired Rocket Propeller Grenades (RPG) and using small arms at the naval patrol craft and both LTTE boats were completely destroyed and sunk due to the retaliation, naval sources said.

Naval sources further said that four LTTE cadres were onboard in one boat while two were in the other and all six LTTE cadres were killed due to the retaliation.

Extracted from,

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