Sunday, April 29, 2007

Tiger Aircraft bombs two petroleum facilities and returns

Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam air craft bombed a Shell gas distribution facility in Colombo and destroyed three buildings in the facility and also a petroleum distribution facility at Kolonnawa East of the center of the city.

Shell Lanka Ltd. jointly owned by the petroleum giant and the government of Sri Lanka said in a statement that there had been an explosion in their facilities and three buildings had been damaged. The distribution facility of petroleum at Kolonnawa also had been bombed by the LTTE aircraft...

Colombo’s General Hospital said two people who were working at a power station are being treated for gun shot injuries. The city was engulfed in darkness as the power had been cut. Civilians reported gun fire being directed at a low flying aircraft. The power was cut when thousands of people were glued to their TV sets watching the final cricket match between the Australian and Sri Lanka teams for World Cup...

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