Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Why are HROs silent over tiger attack on Kalladi RC church? – Military spokesman

The UNO and international and local human rights organizations maintain a calculating silence over the tiger terrorist attack on St. Sebastian’s Church at Kalladi in Mannar says Brig, Udaya Nanayakkara, military spokesman.

Making a statement to the media Army spokesman regarding the terrorist attack on Kalladi church said, “Tiger terrorist carried out a mortar attack on St. Sebastian’s Church at Kalladi yesterday. 6 soldiers engaged in clearing the church premises of shrubs and weeds were killed in the attack and 10 others were injured. The church too was badly damaged in the attack.

The UNO, international and local human rights organizations and religious groups that denounce the Security Forces even at the attacks carried out by tiger organization and blame security forces for such attacks have not made any response regarding the attack on the church.”

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