Thursday, February 21, 2008

Recruiting Easier When You Are Winning

The army offensive continues, with nearly 400 LTTE fighters claimed killed in the last two weeks. The government claims a 16:1 combat ratio (16 dead enemy for each deal soldier). Given the reports, from late last year, of the LTTE forcibly recruiting anyone, especially teenagers, and low morale in LTTE territory, this ratio is possible.

The army is advancing, and the soldiers are better trained, and more experienced than in the past. Five years ago, an outnumbered force of LTTE gunmen could rout the army, sending soldiers fleeing, and often deserting. None of that now.

In response, the LTTE has increased its terror attacks, contributing to the heavy toll of civilian casualties (nearly 500 dead and wounded so far this year.) Some civilians are killed in LTTE territory as well, as the LTTE sometimes puts military facilities in residential area, to try and gain some protection from artillery or bombing attacks (or at least some useful propaganda images of civilians killed by the government).

Most of the fighting takes place in the bush, as troops pound, and then rush, LTTE bunkers, killing or chasing away the LTTE defenders. Now bunkers are built a kilometers or so away, but each bunker complex taken reduces the territory the LTTE controls.

The government has taken several measures to combat LTTE terrorist attacks. The public will no longer be allowed at school ceremonies, as the LTTE has found such ceremonies an attractive terror target. Nothing terrorizes better than attacks on children.

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