Saturday, October 27, 2007

Media is neither Free, nor Independent

As I have pointed out in numerous previous occasions, the concept of “independent media” is an idea that we would like to have, but does not yet exist.

What I mean by this is that media is not free from the point of view of its masters. Let me elaborate my point. To be free of value judgments one has to disassociate from his/her values while interpreting facts.

Although facts themselves are independent from individual observers, they do not speak for themselves; they must be interpreted by those who present them. Therefore, how such facts are interpreted is dependent upon the individual’s own experience, beliefs, and values.

After all, every individual is a member of a society with political, social, and cultural values. People do not live in social vacuums; rather they live in specific social contexts. Every media organization is own and managed by human beings, and they are members of the society.

Read the full article,

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